Foreign student job search project

student job
search project

International students looking for jobs can find legal employment in Korea during weekdays, weekends, and vacations.
We help you find it.

1:1 mentor assigned
Let us help you!

From job matching to
interview preparation!

In Jobloy without any language difficulties
We will help you systematically.
Obtaining the complicated employment authorization process
Do not worry!

Employment Permit Procedure

  • Writing an employment contract

    Employment contract between hiring managers (standard labor contract, hourly rate)
  • Complete part-time employment confirmation form

    Supplementary form, completed by the university’s international student representative
  • application

    Attached documents, apply online or in person
  • Permitted, disallowed

    Attach a permit sticker or print an online permit
Foreign students must go through the employment permit process.
You can work legally.

At JobFloy, complex employment permit procedures,
We can help you with everything, including employment contracts!

find out!
Did you know?
Depending on your Korean language proficiency level and degree program,
The fact that allowable working hours are changing in Korea!

Check out the details in the table below!

Allowable time for each Korean language ability and degree program
(effective July 23)

※ English track course: TOEFL 530 (CBT 197, iBT 71), IELTS 5.5, CEFR B2, TEPS 601 points (NEW TEPS 327 points) or higher regardless of grade.Certificate holders, countries where English is commonly used are exempt from submitting certificates.

Application documents

  • Passport, alien registration card, application form
  • Confirmation of part-time employment as a foreign student, transcript or proof of attendance
    (same as submission if FIMS confirmed), proof of Korean language proficiency (limited to applicable applicants)
  • Copy of business registration certificate, standard employment contract
  • Confirmation of compliance with international student part-time employment requirements
    (limited to applicable applicants)

Special provisions for part-time work permit (subject to permit exclusion)

  • Separate permission is not required for activities performed in exchange for temporary honorarium, prize money, or other remuneration incidental to daily life, as long as it does not infringe on the essential aspects of study abroad qualifications.

Standards for handling offenders who work without permission

  • In the construction industry, regardless of the number of detections, upon first detection, departure is ordered without exception, and entry restrictions are suspended.
What can you do?
  • Restaurant assistant
  • cleaning
  • perch
  • Simple work
  • SNS
  • Interpretation and translation
How much can you earn?

Minimum wage in Korea

Hourly wage including night allowance

9,860 won

Hourly wage including weekly holiday allowance


Hourly wage including night allowance


What is the daily wage if you work 8 hours a day?

78,880 won

What is your salary if you work 40 hours, 5 days a week?

2,060,740 won

Weekly working hours of 8 hours a day, 5 days a week are 48 hours including weekly holidays.

This amount does not reflect welfare expenses (meals, transportation expenses, etc.), overtime work allowance, annual leave allowance, etc., and since weekly holiday allowances are different according to company regulations, it may be different from the actual weekly/monthly salary.

A minimum wage system that guarantees workers a minimum level of wages,

For foreigners working in Korea
The same applies!

  • Are you worried about what to do?

  • What if it was difficult to solve complex employment procedures on your own?

  • What if I’m not good at Korean and need detailed advice?

Apply for the JobFloy project!

With trustworthy mentors and experts
We will actively help you.
To participate in the employment project
Please fill out the application form below.





