서울과학종합대학원 (aSSIST: a Seoul School of Integrated Sciences & Technologies)

등록 : 2025. 01. 16

[aSSIST] Recruitment of English-speaking foreign employee (directly under Executive Vice President)

서울특별시 서대문구 급여 면접 후 결정 사무/총무 > 비서 특정활동(E-7) 거주(F-2) 영주(F-5) 결혼이민(F-6) 채용마감 : 25. 01. 21 (화요일)

상세 근무 요강


(aSSIST: a Seoul School of Integrated Sciences & Technologies)

Employment Types

contract employee 2 years (plan to review transition to permanent employee based on work performance)

Job Position

Office/General Affairs > Secretary

Working hours 

[Monday] 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. / [Tuesday to Friday] 9 a.m. to 6 p.m

Working Days 

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday


Salary Discussion(Salary : In accordance with the bylaws of the school)

Job responsibilities

English-speaking Secretary

Employee benefits

Support for a master's degree and Ph.D. program, An hour early leave of work every Friday, 1.6 million won in welfare points that can be used like cash, 20,000 won in monthly snack expenses, Eligible to join the private school pension when converting to a permanent employee


대학(4년제) 졸업 이상
특정활동(E-7), 거주(F-2), 영주(F-5), 결혼이민(F-6)
성별 무관
영어, Nationality: Native speaker of English
Place of submission : Saramin job platform
Career: newcomer/experienced irrelevant


계약직, contract employee 2 years (plan to review transition to permanent employee based on work performance)
사무/총무 > 비서
[Monday] 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. / [Tuesday to Friday] 9 a.m. to 6 p.m
, , , ,
급여 면접 후 결정 (Salary : In accordance with the bylaws of the school)
English-speaking Secretary


국민연금, 건강보험, 고용보험, 산재보험
Support for a master's degree and Ph.D. program, An hour early leave of work every Friday, 1.6 million won in welfare points that can be used like cash, 20,000 won in monthly snack expenses, Eligible to join the private school pension when converting to a permanent employee


서울 서대문구 이화여대2길 46 (대현동)


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