건축사사무소 산

Registration : 2025. 02. 10

Architectural design career

Gangwon Gangneung-si Salary 2,600,000 KRW Architecture/Facilities > Architectural Design/Supervision Until deadline : : 25. 03. 30 (Sunday)

Detailed work requirements

More than 3 years of architectural design experience

Recruitment conditions

Resume, Resume, career certificate

Working conditions

Regular worker, Indefinite employment contract/No desire for dispatched work/No desire for replacement personnel
Architecture/Facilities > Architectural Design/Supervision
Weekdays: (Working hours) (AM) 9:00 ~ (PM) 6:00, 5 days a week, Average working hours: 40
Salary 2,600,000 KRW (Monthly salary: 2,500,000 won or more ~ ​​2,600,000 won or less)

Employee benefits

National pension, Health Insurance, Employment Insurance, Industrial accident insurance
Retirement pension


강원특별자치도 강릉시 율곡초교길43번길 25

Job Posting Information

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