주식회사 솔찬

Registration : 2025. 02. 10

Solchan Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. Recruiting employees

Gyeongnam Changwon-si Daily 80,240 KRW Architecture/Facilities > Construction/Civil Engineering Until deadline : : 25. 03. 12 (Wednesday)

Detailed work requirements

Recruiting Chiefs and Workers in Keijo Line

​- We are recruiting for personnel as a partner company within the shipyard.

- Main duties: Chief foothold, installation assistance, material management

- Salary: According to company regulations. (May increase depending on experience and skill level)

​- Welfare: Meals and accommodations available. Safety shoes and work clothes available. Shipyard commuter buses available.

​- Number of recruits: 0 beginners/skilled workers

​​ - Work location: Jinhae Keijo Shipbuilding (inside)

- Procedure: After submitting your resume, call the office. If you pass the document screening, interview. If you pass, submit a 'pre-placement examination' at a hospital designated by the Industrial Health Association and then be placed.

​- Inquiry: 055-548-1574 (office). You can conveniently inquire by saying, ‘I saw it on Worknet and am contacting you.’

Recruitment conditions

Resume, resume

Working conditions

Regular worker, Indefinite employment contract/No desire for dispatched work/No desire for replacement personnel
Architecture/Facilities > Construction/Civil Engineering
Weekdays: (Working hours) (AM) 8:00 ~ (PM) 5:00, 5 days a week
Daily 80,240 KRW (Daily wage: 80,240 won or more ~ ​​80,240 won or less,)

Employee benefits

National pension, Health Insurance, Employment Insurance, Industrial accident insurance
Retirement pension


경남 창원시 진해구 명제로 60

Job Posting Information

This job posting is provided by WorkNet. Go to the job information site