
Registration : 2025. 02. 10

Recruiting Material Purchasing (Material Management) Staff

Gyeonggi Paju-si Salary 2,200,000 KRW Office/General Affairs > Production/Quality Control Until deadline : : 25. 03. 12 (Wednesday)

Detailed work requirements

Recruiting new college graduates for office jobs, majors do not matter, local universities welcome, age does not matter

Recruitment conditions

Resume, resume

Working conditions

Regular worker, Indefinite employment contract/No desire for dispatched work/No desire for replacement personnel
Office/General Affairs > Production/Quality Control
Weekdays: (Working hours) (AM) 9:00 ~ (PM) 6:00, 5 days a week, Average working hours: 40
Salary 2,200,000 KRW (Monthly salary: 2,200,000 won or more ~ ​​2,200,000 won or less, Bonus: 200 (excluding tax),)

Employee benefits

National pension, Health Insurance, Employment Insurance, Industrial accident insurance
Retirement pension


경기 파주시 탄현면 새오리로 130-3

Job Posting Information

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