
Registration : 2025. 02. 03

Yulim Industry Production Personnel Recruitment Notice

Gyeongnam Changwon-si Daily 80,240 KRW Manufacturing > Etc Until deadline : : 25. 03. 05 (Wednesday)

Detailed work requirements

- Automobile parts production and packaging work (main)

- The work of removing burrs from products coming out of the machine and packaging them by placing them on the assigned machine.

Recruitment conditions

Resume, resume

Working conditions

Regular worker, Indefinite employment contract/No desire for dispatched work/No desire for replacement personnel
Manufacturing > Etc
Weekdays: (Working hours) (AM) 8:00 ~ (PM) 5:00, 5 days a week
Daily 80,240 KRW (Daily wage 80,240 won or more,)

Employee benefits

National pension, Health Insurance, Employment Insurance, Industrial accident insurance
Retirement pension


경남 창원시 진해구 남의로63번길 31


This is a notice provided by Worknet.
To register company information or modify job information, please contact us through this link.
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