We are looking for someone to do all the farming work, from sowing crops to harvesting. While doing farm work, from making fields, to sowing, spraying pesticides, spraying fertilizers, and harvesting, Those who are considering returning to farming or rural life can gain first-hand experience.
Recruitment conditions
Resume, Resume, self-introduction
Working conditions
Contract worker, Fixed-term employment contract 24 months / No desire for dispatched work / No desire for replacement personnel
Etc > Etc
Weekdays: (Working hours) (AM) 7:00 ~ (PM) 5:00 (including 2 hours of break time), 5 days a week, average working hours: 40
Salary 2,600,000 KRW(Monthly salary: 2,500,000 won or more ~ 2,600,000 won or less)
Employee benefits
National pension, Health Insurance, Employment Insurance, Industrial accident insurance
Retirement pension
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You can apply after creating a resume on My Page. Please create your resume.