의료법인 행림의료재단

Registration : 2025. 01. 31

Jeonnam Gurye-gun (Eui) Haengrim Medical Foundation Saemi Nursing Hospital is hiring a nursing assistant

Jeollanam-do Gurye-gun Salary 2,096,270 KRW Retail/Service > Caregiver Until deadline : : 25. 03. 02 (Sunday)

Detailed work requirements

This is the work of a nursing assistant in a nursing hospital ward.

Recruitment conditions

Resume, Resume, career certificate

Working conditions

Regular worker, Indefinite employment contract/No desire for dispatched work/No desire for replacement personnel
Retail/Service > Caregiver
Weekdays: ※ Detailed working hours Hours are negotiable Overtime pay is paid for overtime work Day - 08:00~16:30 Eve - 13:30~22:00 Night - 21:50~08:20 Hours are subject to change Working hours are negotiable, 5 days a week, average working hours: 40
Salary 2,096,270 KRW (Monthly salary of 2,096,270 won or more,)

Employee benefits

National pension, Health Insurance, Employment Insurance, Industrial accident insurance
Retirement pension
Commuter bus, education expenses support, etc. (Suncheon - Gurye commuter bus operation)


전남 구례군 구례읍 구례로 28


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