주식회사 마린기업

Registration : 2025. 01. 16

Recruitment for welding, assembly, and thought

Gyeongnam Geoje-si Hourly 15,000 KRW Manufacturing > Welding Recruitment Closed : 25. 02. 15 (Saturday)

Detailed work requirements


[CO2 Welding > CO2 Welding Material Preparation]
Prepare the base material, prepare the welding wire, prepare the shielding gas, prepare the backing material

[CO2 Welding > Preparing CO2 Welding Equipment]
Installing welding equipment, installing welding materials, checking welding equipment

[CO2 Welding > CO2 Welding Welding Work]
Checking the parent material dimensions, machining the grooves, and welding

[CO2 Welding > CO2 Welding Defect Repair Welding Work]
Check weld defects, check repair judgment criteria, repair weld defects

[CO2 Welding > Cleaning up after CO2 welding]
Turn off the protective gas, turn off the power, and organize and tidy up the work area.

Recruitment conditions

Resume, resume

Working conditions

Regular worker, Indefinite employment contract/No desire for dispatched work/No desire for replacement personnel
Manufacturing > Welding
Weekdays: (Working hours) (AM) 8:00 ~ (PM) 5:00, 6 days a week
Hourly 15,000 KRW (Hourly wage: 10,030 won or more ~ ​​15,000 won or less)

Employee benefits

National pension, Health Insurance, Employment Insurance, Industrial accident insurance


경남 거제시 장평3로 80


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