주식회사 다인산업

Registration : 2024. 12. 23

Recruitment of safety specialists within Hanwha Ocean

Gyeongnam Geoje-si Salary 4,000,000 KRW Manufacturing > Etc Recruitment Closed : 25. 01. 22 (Wednesday)

Detailed work requirements

Industrial Safety Management Specialist

- Safety measures and overall safety management tasks within industrial sites

Recruitment conditions

Resume, Resume, other ([Documents to be submitted after passing] 1 copy of health checkup before shipyard assignment, 2 copies of family relationship certificate (last digits of resident registration number not disclosed), 4 photos, 1 copy each of identity statement / consent to use of personal information (company format) - see attached file <Documents to be submitted after employment> 2 copies of resident registration transcript)

Working conditions

Regular worker, Indefinite employment contract/No desire for dispatched work/No desire for replacement personnel
Manufacturing > Etc
Weekdays: Mon-Fri: 08:00-18:00 Sat: 08:00-17:00 (negotiated with the company) Holiday work and public holiday work are negotiated with the company. Break time 10:00-10:10 (10 minutes) 12:00-13:00 (60 minutes) 15:00-15:10 (10 minutes), 5 days a week, average working hours: 40
Salary 4,000,000 KRW (Monthly salary: 3,500,000 won or more ~ ​​4,000,000 won or less, Bonus: 70 (not included), can be adjusted after interview)

Employee benefits

National pension, Health Insurance, Employment Insurance, Industrial accident insurance
Retirement pension
Commuter bus, dormitory


경남 거제시 거제대로 3370


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