
Registration : 2024. 11. 29

Art Nouveau Suites Hotel Front Desk Clerk Recruitment

Gyeongnam Geoje-si Hourly 9,860 KRW Retail/Service > Store management Office/General Affairs > Etc F-2 F-4 F-5 F-6

Detailed work requirements

-Hotel front office work
- Must be able to speak English, be computer literate, and if foreigner, be fluent in Korean.

Recruitment conditions

F-2, F-4, F-5, F-6

Working conditions

Retail/Service > Store management
Office/General Affairs > Etc
07:00~15:00/15:00~22:00/2nd shift break time ((PM) 12:00~(PM) 01:00)
5 days a week
Hourly 9,860 KRW
Hotel front

Employee benefits

National pension, Health Insurance, Employment Insurance, Industrial accident insurance
Retirement pension


경남 거제시 장평1로 13 (장평동) 제아르누보호텔


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